When my children were little one of the first Bible verses that I taught to them in our homeschool classroom was Romans 12:6. I would have them stand up and recite their verse and usually put a little jingle to it. This one went like this…”God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well Romans 12, Romans 12, Romans 12:6, Romans 12 …..12:6!”
Having four children I wanted each of them to know that God had given each of them very special abilities to do certain things well and what one could do well and was gifted in, another one had a different and equally as important ability, gifting, and calling. This is true for us as adults, too. This is true for leaders in business and leaders in ministry. I personally have seen this lived out and practiced well, and this lived out and not practiced so well and the result and consequence of both.
Volunteers, team members, and employees all come with various backgrounds and giftings. God brings them, but it is up to us to receive them and receive them well. He’ll bring them to CEOs, pastors, committee leaders, ministries, and the like. Many times throughout my many years of youth and other ministries, I’ve experienced both. God gave me a burning in my heart to lead and share Christ in the youth and with others. He gave me different abilities, creativities, passions, skill sets, and experience to set it in motion. Some in leadership embraced that and other leadership chose to do all on their own. God sends people into these different callings and areas to serve and the ones who receive it as an answer to their prayers for support are blessed. Others who hold onto their own positions with white knuckles lose the opportunity and blessing that can come from that.
The ministry of Independent Learning Academy that my family and I have led for the past 12 years would not have been ILA without the myriad of incredible talents and abilities that God poured into this program through the body of Christ. He’s given me what I’ve needed in order to wear the different hats needed when one starts something, but He has also enabled and blessed me to hand things off to those with the skill sets needed to take it to the next level and let it flourish. It has always brought me absolute joy to do it, too. To see someone else enjoy and thrive in a role that they have felt called to do and do it so well with all that He gives them to do it. One just needs to come with a heart of service. As Christ said to his disciples when asked which of them would be the greatest, He said He who is a servant to all will be a leader.
Be a blessing in all that you do and release to others what God is calling them to do.