I don’t know about you, but I’ve decided: God gets center stage in my life. Not the news. Not the chaos. Not the lies the enemy tries to sell me. The world is noisy, the headlines scream for our attention, and the enemy is a master at turning the spotlight onto himself. He’s subtle, slipping in through fear, confusion, and distraction, whispering that he holds the power.

But let’s get something straight—the enemy is a fraud. His influence grows only when we let him steal the show. Think about it: when we fixate on his schemes, he becomes like inflation—loud and inflated, but ultimately worthless. His costs to our peace and joy rise, while his value plummets.
So, why give him the mic? Why let him take up space on a stage that was never his to begin with?
There’s only one rightful star of the show: Jesus. The heavyweight champion of the world. The King of Kings. The one who doesn’t just hold a key but all the keys to the Kingdom. The enemy? He’s not the prison guard—he’s the prisoner. Locked up. Defeated. Done.
Jesus said it plainly in Matthew 28:18: “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.” Not some authority. Not partial authority. All authority. Every knee bows to Him. Every throne and dominion belongs to Him.
When we keep Jesus at the center, we shift our focus back to truth. We step into freedom. We amplify the one voice that matters—the voice of the One who has already won. Worship flows. Peace reigns. The drama fades, and the real story takes center stage: Christ victorious, His love unshaken, His purpose unstoppable.
Don’t let the enemy steal the show. Lift your eyes, shift the spotlight, and let the rightful star take His place. Jesus deserves center stage—not just in the big moments, but in the everyday ones.
And here’s the truth: when Jesus takes center stage in your life, the enemy doesn’t just lose his influence—he loses his audience.