One morning, about a year ago when I woke up, the Lord was really impressing upon me that there was no more gray. Scripturally we know that already as he states in revelation that he spits out luke warm but this was something directed more to the immediate times that we live in.
There has been a euphemism as Christians that we accept that is palatable and digestible like something that sugar or salt is added to so that it can be editable because without it, whatever is being consumed, would not be.
The juxtapose of the two words here are secularism vs humanism. With humanism not being acceptable or for illustration sake palatable but secular being more acceptable and digestible.
We have grown up in a world and country that has normalized locations and entities as being places that are secular with our government public educational system being one of them. But what we really need to understand here is that secularism does not exist in an isolated vacuum alone by itself. It has it euphemistic partner that is not digestible and is not palatable and is actually toxic called humanism.
Humanism is the pride and personal sovereignty of man. It’s why God collapsed the Tower of Babel—Genesis 11–and it is the antagonistic force that is always at war with our Christ-centered identity.
Personal sovereignty is the veil of living your life with the enemy in charge instead of Christ. When you look at the after school flyers of the Satanic Clubs that are being marketed, they bullet point teaching your child personal soverienty as one of the features of their afterschool club.
We have accepted and normalized secular education and even accepted the money that comes with free education but really free is an oxymoron because anything without Christ in it is not free but instead enslaved. And that is where we as Christians need to scrutinize the imposter of accepting anything that parades itself as free and doesn’t have Christ it.
We can personalize it even further and for a moment ask what if instead of its secular meaning being not having God in it, meant instead not having me in it. “Me” meaning mom and dad in it? What if one’s son or daughter was not allowed all day to even mention mom and dad and if they did the “free education” was no longer permissible. And then one starts to think isn’t that what they are trying to do now with excluding parents from the knowledge of their children accepting hormone and surgical procedures that are being allowed without parental knowledge and consent?
So this all loops back around to the original statement that God has been impressing upon me and many others that there really isn’t any gray. He is it. There isn’t a place we can go where he is not. Jonah tried to do it and found himself in the belly of a great fish—Jonah 1:17.
Jesus says, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them in…” Matthew 19:14 and the 83 percent of the children in our governmental public schools within our country are spending up to 40 percent of their waking hours of their school time without Him in it. This is not okay and not a surprise where we find ourselves. God makes it really clear in Psalms where He says, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the laborers labor in vain”—Psalm 127:1. There is no secular. That is the veil, that is the myth, that is the gray.