The Latest

I don’t know about you, but I’ve decided: God gets center stage in my life. Not the news. Not the chaos. Not the lies the enemy tries to sell me. The world is noisy, the headlines scream for our attention, and the enemy is a master at turning the spotlight onto himself. He’s subtle, slipping […]

Center Stage: Keeping Jesus at the Heart of It All


I don’t know about you, but I’ve decided: God gets center stage in my life. Not the news. Not the chaos. Not the lies the enemy tries to sell me. The world is noisy, the headlines scream for our attention, and the enemy is a master at turning the spotlight onto himself. He’s subtle, slipping […]

Center Stage: Keeping Jesus at the Heart of It All


The purpose of education is to make God known. It’s to fill and expand the mind because of God not to fill and expand the mind in the absence of God. The purpose of education is the revelation of God in all things. Math, Science, English, and History are not subjects to be learned for […]

The purpose of education is to make God known.


One morning, about a year ago when I woke up, the Lord was really impressing upon me that there was no more gray. Scripturally we know that already as he states in revelation that he spits out luke warm but this was something directed  more to the immediate times that we live in.  There has […]

The Time is Now…No More Gray….How ‘bout You?


The greatest gift that we can give to each other and to mankind is the gift of grace. Jesus gave it to us why is it so hard for us to give it to others? Family, friends, church friends can say and do things that come across as insensitive, unkind, offensive, critical fill in the […]

People Mess Up


Love more, do more, be thankful more, forgive more, laugh more, and share more the reason and foundation of it all who supplies the eternal springs of your life, Jesus Christ.

Just Burn Brighter


When people try to separate their lives or society into areas where God is welcomed and where He is not, it causes disintegration.

No More Gray


Embrace their identity and realize they are children of a divine King.

Knowing What You Carry


God’s presence in all aspects of life, including education, is essential for a deeper understanding of the world and a more meaningful existence.

A Different Perspective


Be a blessing in all that you do and release to others what God is calling them to do.

Let Others Decorate


We need to tend to the well-being of our children spiritually, emotionally, physically, behaviorally, and relationally so as to equip them.

Clipped Wings


Clipped Wings

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