The purpose of education is to make God known. It’s to fill and expand the mind because of God not to fill and expand the mind in the absence of God. The purpose of education is the revelation of God in all things.
Math, Science, English, and History are not subjects to be learned for the sake of learning math, science, English, history but instead subjects that reveal God to us and help us to know him better, to appreciate him more, and to be in awe of him and what He has created. The more we know Him, the more we know ourselves.
Our secularized education has created a framework that has normalized the education and comprehension of subjects without God in it. What this has led to is a whole society that views creation, and the learning that explains it, as separate from God—who is in fact—the very author of it. Our secular world of academia along with our society as a whole has hijacked the truth and taught a narrative that is not the narrative of the author who writes the story of our lives and that of His creation. Who better than the creator to understand and comprehend what has been created?
It’s similar to not giving credit or recognition to the creator of any manmade invention—not choosing to learn from him or her why they made it. What was the purpose for what they made and how to use it. Mankind has chosen throughout our contemporary education system to allow the enemy through the disguise of secular humanism to create an educational model that leaves the true author of life out of His own story.
Imagine the true story with the author himself in the narrative with Him in the center of it all. The true purpose of education is the revelation and appreciation of the one who is the author of it. This is the true narrative and the revelation that we seek within the culture and community of EQUIP 210