Pet store owners and bird owners sometimes clip the wings of their pet birds, so that they can’t fly away. We as parents and educators can innocently and unintentionally do that, too. We can ask ourselves why am I clipping the wings of my pet bird? The answer is that we want to keep them close to us, close by, so we can enjoy them, and so they don’t fly away. We need to raise our children and educate our children not with a clipped-wing approach thinking how much they forever need us but instead how much forever they need God. We need to prepare them for the flight so that they can soar and launch into their own kingdom calling. And just like we would tend to the well-being of our pet, we need to tend to the well-being of our children spiritually, emotionally, physically, behaviorally, and relationally so as to equip them to be secure to step out with wings that are ready to soar instead of clipped wings that limit them but only keep them close for our own security, peace, and enjoyment.