In the movie Tangled the little princess gets kidnapped and raised by an evil woman who selfishly just wants the child for herself because of what the child carries which is her eternal youthfulness. I thought this so symbolic in so many ways. The reality is that others can either intentionally or unintentionally keep us where they want us to be for their own benefit instead of helping us to rise up and flourish.
In the same example the little princess didn’t know what she carried. She was a daughter of a king and a daughter of a queen. She had a royal heritage that was rightfully hers. She could have spent her days basking in the radiance of her heritage and all the privileges that come with it but instead she was bound up in a tower room with a window view as a spectator instead of a participant in the life that she could be living. In this story it was not the fault of her own but in our own life, we really need to embrace and realize whose we are and the heritage that comes with it because we, too, are children of a king and not just any king but truly The King and The Lord of our life and just like children of an earthly king have favor, royalty, and blessings, think how much more we have being a co-heir with Christ and children for eternity with the King of all Kings.
Walk today with that perspective over all the circumstances of your life knowing that in all things He wants the very best for you and has it all ready for you in faith to step into.